Saturday, November 11, 2006

Today was an interesting day...I slept in until about 10...then I got up and cleaned the apartment. my friends Whitney and Tom came down around 11:30 or so...and we went and got coffee...It was good to see them. Its been a while. And I can't pass up coffee!

I had to work at 2...and it was BUSY! The Midwest Scrapbook Convention is about 5 mins away, so we took out a an add in the booklet there...we got a ton of traffic from that! That was totally good! Its so nice to move product so that we can get more new stuff! Yay!

I don't know how to post what I am feeling. I am not mad. But by no means am I happy. 'talked to' today at work...I was hesitant to post about this, because of people reading it that are involved. But these are me feelings and why should I hide them. Apartently there are some people that feel that I am not an assest to my work place and that I am 'snotty.' And that..well...for the lack of better words.."am trying to take over"...I am sorry. I feel that taking the photos for and updating website, the newsletter, the class calendar handouts, and majorly cleaning the store is not me trying to 'talk over.' this particular person has only met me at most 3 times, and I feel that she has no means to judge me...I feel there is a difference between being a responsible employee and trying to take over! I don't get payed any more than anyone else to have any of the extra reponsiblities. Its times like these that I feel taken advantage of. Before today I had no idea of this situation. I get along with all of my co-workes, and I assumed thay all got along with me. Apparently not. This person also sayed that artsy people bring drama. What is that supposed to mean? artsy people?...I HATE drama! I honestly feel like I am in highschool. I feel more mature than these people.

If I offend anyone by what I say...I apologize. I am just putting my feelings in the open. This is how I feel..and if you don't like...I guess we have a difference in opinion.

But today...after I have been thinking...about what happend and whats going on in my life...I realized...I am happy...for the first time in my life I am truly happy. Regardless the situations and drama I have to deal with...I am happy. I am greatful to have a new friends and still have my old friendships. I met my friend Beth J, and we have such similar tastes and personalities...I feel that she has really made me a better person, even thought I havn't know here entirely too long. For the first time, I am confident with myself and my creativity. I don't have to try to be someone I am not anymore. I have realized that I can just be me and people should accept that. I realized that I don't care what people think about who I am, what I do, or what I create. I am confident with me and what I create, and for this I am greateful.

So today...was not a bad day, but I wouldn't call it a good day, either.
Thank you for listening to me. I am so glad I have this outlet to express myself.

Keep it real.


beth said...

wow...thank have made a difference in my life's awesome.

Unknown said...

that is an awesome post to read -- sorry you have a jealous co-worker! they probably think they are going to be asked to do what they should be offering to help with anyway (like cleaning, etc)!!

Christi said...

Aw, Mitchell, that's awful about your work situation. Hopefully it is simply a misunderstanding and that everyone can put it behind them and all get along like adults....smiles!

Mary Jo said...

Hey Mitchell - there are always going to be *difficult* people to deal with in the work place.
I've just learned to just let it all pass me by. Just not worth it sometimes :)

Ahhhh, sleeping until 10am. Those were the days ;)

Anonymous said...

dude- artsy people bring the BEST KIND of drama. Passion for life, color, new ideas, excitement... the kind of drama that makes life worth living.

There will always be jealous people and those who want to start petty Jr. high type drama. Gotta rise above and keep on keepin on. It really stinks that people can't just mellow and do their own thing. Sorry this is happening to you.

Take care!!!