Thursday, July 13, 2006

Thought this was fun...

1. First name- Mitchell
2. Were you named after anyone- My middle name is a family name...
3. When did you last cry- OMG! I don't even grandpa's funeral prob...
4. Do you like your handwriting- I like it when I am writing something...but I hate it in my scrapbook!!
5. What is your favorite lunch meat- Uuummmmm.....I am ganna have to say trukey...
6. Do you have kids- HA! No!!
7. If you were another person, would be be friends with you- HA!! NO! I am to freakin' crazy!! My friends and I will do the wierdest crap...then stop and look at each other and ask "why do we have friends?!"
8. Do you have a journal- Nope...but I am bloggin now!! :D
9. Do you use sarcasm a lot- Nope....never......! hehehe....
10. Do you still have you tonsils- well I should hope so, cause I don't think I left 'em anywhere....
11. Would you bungee jump- Heck yes!
12. Do you untie youre shoes when you take them off- Nope...they are always tied!
13. Do you think you are stong- Uuummm....not really....
14. What is your favorite ice cream flavore- I am a vanilla guy!
15. Shoe size- Most the time 9 1/2 but it varies on the brand...
16. Red or Pink- Defenitly red
17. What is your least favorite thing about yourself- uummm...prob my acne...but it's getting better with the Proactive I just got!!
18. Who do you miss most- My grandpa....
19. When are where were you born- In Minnapolis on August 9th, in the year of 1998 of you lord....
20. What color pants and shoes are you wearing- uummm, pants are grey sweetie shorts and bare feet....
21. What is the last thing you ate- Basketie-Os....mmmmm
22. What are you listening to right now- The sis is watching a Friends DVD....
23. If you were a crayon, what color would you be- prob light blue....
24. Favorite smell- bakin' cookies.....yum!!
25. Who was the last person you talked with on the phone- mi papa...he's not home tonight...
26. The first thing you notice about people you meet- thier teeth....I don't know why but I do...
27. Do you have special talent- not really....
28. Favorite drink- hehehehe.......Coke w/Lime....
29. Favorite sport- I like 'em all really....but I am really likin' playin tennis latley...
30. Hair color- brown
31. Eye color- brown
32. Do you wear contacts- nope
33. Favorite food- anything Italian
34. Scary movies of happy ending- Sacry....def sacry...
35. Last movie you watched- The Wringer...and I died laughing!!
36. What color shirt are you wearing- Red...
37. Summer of Winter- Summer
38. Hugs or Kisses- depends who.....I'll go with hugs...
39. Favorite dessert- uummm......all of 'em!
40. What's on you mouse pad- HAHAHA!!'s the family computer........a kitten!! LOL
41. What book are you reading- I am not a big reader....I am reading Cathy Z's new one....does that count...?
42. Favorite sound- My puppy running across the hard wood floor
43. Rolling Stones or Beatles- Prob Beatles, if I have to choose...but I love the Rolling Stones too!
44. The furthest you've been from home- Florida...and I can't wait to go back!!
45. If you could pick any tow people to have dinner with, who would it be- oh, this one is tricky....I could do the hole good child thing and say my parents...or I could do the famous people thing and day Elsie and I am a huge Amy Howe fan!!


Anonymous said...

Hey mitchell,
Woohoo...I'm the first commentor on your blog...hope that's ok
Neat job...have fun blogging

Unknown said...

1998?? younger than i thought!

Anonymous said...


hey mitchell!
my friend lisa forwarded me your blog. pretty cool! thanks for the support. :)

Anonymous said...

k first whos amy howe??? i seriously have no idea and am sooo crushed u picked her over me and even moe crushed that im not even mentioned in this whole friggin book thing!!! you r so not my SEXY anymore cuz im hurt!! hahaha like thats actually possable to hurt me i think id have to give a crap first!!! well i love you and wow you r really talented!! nice work!!

love always abby